Q1: How can I get my Reporting API access token?

A: Please work with your Technical Operations Lead or Client Success Manager to get this access token. This will be unique to your CreativeX data.

Q2: What data lakes have you integrated with before?

A: We’ve integrated with many different data lakes such as Datorama and Adverity. From CreativeX’ standpoint, any data lake can be integrated with us since we have a standard Reporting API, which any system can call upon (provided the authorized access token). Any custom fields will require custom development; and will need to be notified through our Technical Operations Lead or Client Success Manager.

Q3: Does the Reporting API have real time data?

A: The CreativeX dashboard is updated in real time, and the CreativeX Reporting API aligns with the client’s data available in the CreativeX dashboard. If a user calls on the API at one point in time, then it should align with the CreativeX dashboard at that exact point in time. However, please keep in mind that the CreativeX dashboard gets updated in real time from the integrated platforms (i.e. Meta, YouTube, etc.); but that the client needs to call on the Reporting API to get the latest updates. That said, you wouldn’t need to call on the API multiple times at a time. If you repeat a call with the same query parameters within 3 hours of the initial call, then you’ll receive back the same report id. Instead, you can call the API every 3 hours, end of the day or end of the month (depending on your reporting goals).

Q4: What data is included in the Reporting API?

A: In the Reporting API, you can expect to find:

  • In-Flight data
  • Pre-Flight data
  • All creative quality data tied to Creative Quality, Compliance, and Brand Consistency (including media performance metrics)

Q5: Which Reporting API endpoint should I use?


  • CreativeX has 3 Reporting API endpoints available to use:
    • /reports - Keep in mind this is a pre-requesite API call to make prior to calling the /reports/{id}/posts endpoint below.
    • /reports/{id}/posts - This contains all the creative data available for the specific time period and parameters requested.
    • /reports/dimensions - This contains all the available brand(s), market(s) and channel(s) for the specific time period and parameters requested.
  • All clients integrate with the /reports & /reports/{id}/posts endpoints as that includes all their creative data.
  • The /reports/dimensions endpoint is available to understand what are all the dimensions available for a specific time period.

Q6: How often should we call on the Reporting API?

A: This depends on the client’s objectives and reporting goals. If clients want to make sure that reporting in their internal analytics tool matches with CreativeX dashboard reporting, then it's best to pull the data once a month (on the 7th of every month) for the previous month.

  • The “date” in the CreativeX dashboard is based on a monthly, quarterly or yearly period. Hence, month by month is the shortest period of time which is available to report on (and not daily).
  • In addition, if clients pull this data once a month for the previous month, we also recommend creating a "start date" column on their end (or calling it "post date") which would be the first day of the month that they requested this data for (we don't recommend using the date captured field as a proxy because that date is technically the date CreativeX received that asset in the system, and not the date the asset was posted in the given platform).
  • For example, if a client wants to report on June 2022, then they would need make the API call for start_date = 2022-01-01 and end_date = 2022-01-30; and then the "start date" (or "post date") column they would've created would be start date = June 1st 2022 for all the posts that they get in this response (Note: If they can make the start date be the whole month of June 2022 then that would match exactly the CreativeX dashboard).

Note: You wouldn’t need to call on the API multiple times at a time. If you repeat a call with the same query parameters within 3 hours of the initial call, then you’ll receive back the same report id.

Q7: Do we have any sort of authentication process?

A: Currently, we don’t support any authentication process other than offering the access token to clients. Each access token is unique to the client and will provide data which is specific to that client.

Q8: Should clients update historical data with the Reporting API?
A: Reporting changes can occur in CreativeX due to different reasons:

  1. Clients adding new ad accounts to the CreativeX dashboard (where we usually run a historical audit on that account)
  2. Scores might be recalculated based on challenge reports requested by the clients’ teams
  3. Reprocessing previously evaluated guidelines based on the client’s request

When this happens, we don’t currently support a way to notify our clients which data has been updated. In this case, we recommend ensuring that a client’s historical data aligns with CreativeX by also fetching previous months’ data and calling on our API month by month on the 7th of every month, to ensure that any new data points that were added/updated in the CreativeX dashboard are also added in their internal tools.

For example, clients would want to make sure to call our API on the 7th of August for July data, but they should also call on January 2022 data again, February 2022 data again, etc. (using month by month incremental periods).

Q9: Are clients able to call multiple brands, channels and/or markets at a time?
A: You should be able to call on the API for multiple brands, channels and/or markets at a time by separating the options with a comma. For example, if you're interested in calling the API for "United States of America" and "France", then you should be able to call on the market dimension for "United States of America, France" to get data for both markets.

Q10: What if the data we get from the Reporting API call doesn't match the data from the CreativeX dashboard?
A: This is usually due to the following reasons:

  • You need to make sure to call the API at the same time as you're taking a snapshot of the CreativeX dashboard. This is due to the fact that the dashboard is constantly getting updated. If you make sure the timing is correct, then the two datasets should match.
  • You need to make sure to call the API for the exact time periods that we offer; which is either monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly. This means that you cannot call the API for custom time frames where start date= "2024-01-01" and end date = "2024-01-10". Instead, you'll need to make sure to call start date= "2024-01-01" and end date = "2024-01-31".
    • Note: You'll need to make sure to input the correct dates in the API calls; otherwise, you'll only see "Pre-Flight" data in your API response (as opposed to both "Pre-Flight" and "In-Flight").